Trade, press, advertising & membership
Trade, press, advertising & memberships is organised and handled by the VisitEastbourne Marketing & Promotions department.
Contact the team to discuss your requirements and we will be only too happy to help.
Email us or call 01323 415556
Click here to read about advertising with VisitEastbourne
Image Gallery
Browse our image library for great photographs available for use in promoting Eastbourne with access to high-res images and logos. Most images are downloadable from the link below, or can be obtained from Tourism Marketing
Email us or telephone 01323 415436.
Take me to the Image Gallery
Filming in Eastbourne is looked after by Sussex Film Office, click here for more information.
Sponsor an event
Promote your business at an Eastbourne event with trade space and sponsorship packages available. Plus at the annual airshow, advertise in the souvenir programme and Radio Airbourne and reach thousands of visitors.
Advertise at Airbourne
List your attraction, restaurant, shop or business on from just £99+VAT per year*. Includes your own page listing with image gallery and access to promote your own special offers and events on VisitEastbourne! * excludes accommodation
More Information
Booking Form
Advertise your accommodation
To advertise your accommodation on VisitEastbourne, you must purchase VisitEastbourne membership and be assessed either by the AA, Quality in Tourism or by our Hotel Inspector.
Prices start at £225+VAT per year for membership and include an advert in the annual Eastbourne Holiday Guide, a listing in the smaller Resort Guide and a full page listing with online booking on VisitEastbourne. Any online confirmed bookings you receive are charged at 10% commission after the checkout date.
Information Pack
Email us for a quote
Quality standards for Hotels
Quality standards for Self Catering
Quality standards for Guest Accommodation
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Run a Competition
Giving away a prize is a great way to get your business noticed - and its free! Run a competition on VisitEastbourne and we'll talk about it on Facebook and Twitter too!
Competition Guidelines
Run a Special Offer
Special offers are a great way to promote your hotel/attraction and all VisitEastbourne members can add their offers for FREE!
How to add an offer