Meet the experts and discover step by step guides and useful advice in our handy series of webinars which guide you through the steps you need to take to meet your Fire Safety legal obligations, to protect your business and provide the safest experience for your staff and customers.
Fire Safety Webinars
We caught up with Raj Baksi and Kelly Connelly from East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service for a series of short webinars to support you in understanding the role of ESFRS, meeting fire safety legislation and completing risk assessments.
Vicky Kotsiou owner of the Gr/Eat restaurant talks to Raj about the five stages of risk assessments in a restaurant setting, which also includes useful information about business training.
Kristian Hayter from the EHA and owner of Beach Front Guest House talks to Raj and Kelly about risk assessments within smaller accommodation businesses.
Mark Cotman, Operations Director of York House Hotel talks to Raj and Kelly about large properties and what to expect from ESFRS.
You can view all four webinars at the bottom of this page.
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