Hampden Park Tennis Courts


Hampden Park Tennis Club is located in the delightful area of Hampden Park in Eastbourne, surrounded by Decoy Wood and Ham Shaw where a variety of wildlife abounds. It has five superb flood-lit astro-turf courts. Adjacent to the changing rooms is the social area of the clubhouse. This includes kitchen facilities and seating which is available for entertaining visiting teams and general social events.

Book Tickets

Guide Prices

for lessons and court bookings please visit https://hampdenparktennis.co.uk/

Map & Directions

Hampden Park Tennis Courts


7 Hampden Park Drive, EASTBOURNE, East Sussex, BN22 9QR
Close window

Call direct on:

Tel01323 500461

Opening Times

* Times for club sessions.
Mondays at 13:30
Tuesdays at 18:30 (Ladies practice)
Wednesday at 10:00
Wednesday at 18:00
Friday at 13:30
Saturday at 13:30
Sunday at 10:00 (Men's match practice)
Summer Holiday Junior Tennis Coaching Courses
Monday 27th July - Wednesday 29th July
Wednesday 5th August - Friday 7th August
Monday 10th Auguust - Wednesday 12th Aug
10.00 - 12 noon each day
All ages & standards welcome
Cost: Members £30 Non members £36

Eastbourne Visitor Centre, Welcome Building, Compton Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4BP

01323 415415

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