Step into the magical world of Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen, performed by This is My Theatre in the enchanting Elizabethan Great Barn, adorned with twinkling fairy lights. In this stunning historical setting, wrap up warm and prepare for a heartwarming adventure.
When Gerda's friend is taken by the cold-hearted Snow Queen, she embarks on a courageous journey through distant lands to rescue him. Along the way, she'll meet an array of lively characters who will help guide her path. But will her bravery and love be enough to bring summer's warmth back to her dear friend?
This beautiful adaptation of The Snow Queen, directed by Sarah Slator and featuring live music by Simon Stallard, is the perfect festive outing for all ages. Enjoy a captivating performance that will fill your heart with warmth and wonder this Christmas season.
Image copyright: This is My Theatre and Sussex Past