This 10 mile walk starts at Exceat and follows the South Downs Way across all Seven Sisters to Meads. It is challenging walking but the views make it worthwhile.
Warning: The cliff edge is dangerously unstable, there have been several cliff falls lately. Please keep well away from the edge at all times.
Start: Bus Stop at the bottom of Exceat Hill (No. 12/12a/12x bus from Eastbourne) (This is opposite the Seven Sisters Country Park Visitor Centre)
1. From the bottom of Exceat hill, go through the gate by the bus stop and follow the concrete road towards the coast. When the road bends left continue ahead through a gate (pictured) then take the left fork towards another gate heading uphill. Follow this path until you get to the top of the cliff for great views across the famous meanders.
2. Now turn left and work your way up and down the “Sisters” until you get to Birling Gap where you will find toilets and refreshments. (If you have had enough ups and downs, walk inland, alongside the road, to East Dean where you can catch a No. 12 bus back to Eastbourne).
3. When ready, continue East along the coast. This section of the cliff is particularly unstable, walk inland wherever possible. Take a moment to have a look at Belle Tout lighthouse. This was built in 1832 but decommissioned in 1902 and was in danger of falling into the sea because of coastal erosion. In 1999 it was moved 17m back from the edge and will probably have to be moved again. It has featured in many films, most notably Life and Loves of a She Devil. It is now a B&B.
4. After several more ups and downs you will reach a memorial to 5 French teenagers who escaped from Nazi occupied France in 1941 and crossed the channel in canoes to join General de Gaulle.
5. Pause for a moment at Beachy Head with great views across Eastbourne towards Hastings. On a clear day you can see Dungeness Power Station. Take advantage of the toilets and ice cream van.
6. Follow the grass path heading slightly downhill with Eastbourne getting ever closer. A final steep downhill will take you to the finish point by Bede’s School. This is a good point to take a photo to post on the WalkFest web site.
7. A few more yards down the road will bring you to a bus stop from where you can catch a No. 3 bus to the town centre or if you still have some energy left walk back to the town along the beautiful promenade.
Toilets: At Birling Gap and at Beachy Head
Refreshments: Birling Gap and the Kiosk at the end of the walk
Walk description created by: Gill Mattock, Sept 2020