Walk4Ukraine Charity Sponsored Coastal Walk
****** Saturday 26 March 2022 ******
Every day Ukrainian refugees, including young children, are walking 50 miles or more in harsh conditions to seek safety away from the bombing & fighting. If they manage to reach a place of safety they have no shelter, food, water or access to medical facilities so no prizes for guessing who is there to help them!
The Red Cross are working around the clock to help displaced refugees.
To support the Red Cross aid these refugees, we are inviting you to participate in a 10 mile sponsored coastal walk from Eastbourne to Bexhill.
The event starts at the Eastbourne Pavilion at 9am, Saturday 26 March. There will be staggered starts until 11:15am so you can book the time slot when registering to suit you. We welcome individuals or teams but ask if possible, entrants wear an item of clothing in blue/yellow. The event ends at the De La War Pavilion, Bexhill.
To participate, each individual entrant will, when registering, pledge to raise a minimum of £50 in individual sponsorship to be donated by April 8. You will also be required to submit your sponsor forms so gift aid can be claimed. There will be prizes for the top 3 fundraisers & each participant will receive a commemorative certificate shortly after the event.
It would be great to see you enter but if are unable to we are also looking for volunteer on route marshals to help.
Please add event to your social media accounts.
Event entry at https://www.onlineticketseller.com/
Route https://www.plotaroute.com/route/1837372
Just Giving page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/redcrosswalk4ukraine